Build Reference

How to build the ScaleIO-Framework

Build Requirements

This project has very few build requirements, but there are still one or two items of which to be aware. Also, please note that these are the requirements to build ScaleIO-Framework, not run it.

Requirement Version
Operating System Linux, OSX
Go >=1.7.3


This project only currently supports running on Linux based platforms. Specifically those outlined in the Requirements section on the main landing (aka page. Although you can develop on OSX you will not be able to run on the OSX platform.

Performing Builds

Building from source is pretty simple as all steps follow traditional golang based projects. After forking the github project, there are two components that make up the Framework, the scheduler and the executor. Simply navigate to each directory and run the following build command: glide up && GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build .

The output will look similar to the following:

[INFO] Downloading dependencies. Please wait...
[INFO] Fetching updates for
[INFO] Fetching updates for
[INFO] Fetching updates for
[INFO] Setting version for to v1.1.3.
[INFO] Setting version for to v0.10.0.
[INFO] Resolving imports
[INFO] Fetching into /Users/vonthd/go/src/
[INFO] Fetching into /Users/vonthd/go/src/
[INFO] Fetching into /Users/vonthd/go/src/
[INFO] Fetching into /Users/vonthd/go/src/
[INFO] Fetching into /Users/vonthd/go/src/
[INFO] Fetching into /Users/vonthd/go/src/
[INFO] Fetching into /Users/vonthd/go/src/
[INFO] Downloading dependencies. Please wait...
[INFO] Setting references for remaining imports
[INFO] Project relies on 10 dependencies.

Upon completion of a successful build, you will not receive a "positive" notification of that build, but rather you will find a completed binary at the root of the folder.

Making modifications to source and building

If you plan on making changes to the source for developing or testing purposes, you must follow a couple of prerequisites due to the layout of the project in GitHub. Since there exists two projects in in the same repo in which one project, the executor, depends on another, the scheduler, there currently is an issue with glide when pulling those dependencies for each project. To remedy the issue for private builds, you must:

  1. Fork the project
  2. Clone your fork into your own workspace
  3. Create a git branch, make your changes and push your branch to your private repo
  4. Run the ./ file which swaps the current glide.yaml with
  5. Then open the glide.yaml and replace the repo and ref properties of the scaleio-framework package with your fork and the commit you want to build against. ```
  6. package: ref: a8a1be0c946a19f97fdc962150626186f3315078 vcs: git repo: ```
  7. Then run ./ If the glide step fails, re-run the ./ command.

Version File

There is a file at the root of the project named VERSION. The file contains a single line with the target version of the project in the file. The version follows the format:


For example, during active development of version 0.1.0 the file would contain the version 0.1.0. When it's time to create 0.4.0's first release candidate the version in the file will be changed to 0.1.0-rc1. And when it's time to release 0.1.0 the version is changed back to 0.1.0.

Please note that we've discussed making the actively developed version the targeted version with a -dev suffix, but trying this resulted in confusion for the RPM and DEB package managers when using unstable releases.

So what's the point of the file if it's basically duplicating the utility of a tag? Well, the VERSION file in fact has two purposes:

  1. First and foremost updating the VERSION file with the same value as that of the tag used to create a release provides a single, contextual reason to push a commit and tag. Otherwise some random commit off of master would be tagged as a release candidate or release. Always using the commit that is related to updating the VERSION file is much cleaner.

  2. The contents of the VERSION file are also used during the build process as a means of overriding the output of a git describe. This enables the semantic version injected into the produced binary to be created using the targeted version of the next release and not just the value of the last, tagged commit.